Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

OUR MISSION: At Alcott Elementary School, we develop well-rounded, intelligent, and curious students through a strong partnership between parents, students, teachers, and the community at large. We foster a collaborative culture where all students learn at optimal levels and thrive socially and emotionally. Students demonstrate high levels of achievement on assessments and through the creative processes of music, art, and drama.


PTA raises funds to support school-wide activities and programs including field trips, assemblies, yearbooks, spirit wear, school dances, classroom supplies, skills day, Red Ribbon week, Reflections, and so much more!


The number-one reason to join the Parent Teacher Association is to benefit your child. In doing so, you also help our school, but there are many more advantages.

- There's no better way to know what's happening at Alcott Elementary!

- PTA is a forum for exchanging ideas, you are encouraged to make suggestions and more effectively suggest change at your child's school.

HelpYour Child Succeed
- PTA fosters parent involvement. Parent involvement has been proven by three decades of research to be the greatest predictor of student success.

Witness Improvement
-By getting involved at Alcott you'll be part of the solution, helping to make positive changes. PTA plays an important role in fundraising to provide building improvements, curriculum-based programs, social events - all vital to our school's success.

Be a Role Model
. By becoming a PTA member, you'll be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education.


The cost to become a member is only $8.00! Our goal every school year is to have 100% parent and teacher participation. You will not only be making a difference at Alcott, as a member you also receive some additional perks! Receive discounts at Legoland, JambaJuice, Enterprise Car Rental, T-Mobile and OfficeMax to name a few just by joining Alcott's PTA! Visit us on the web below to find out how you can become part of this meaningful association!

Click below to become a member:
PTA Membership

On Behalf of Alcott's PTA Board…THANK YOU!!!

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